Sublime Forum

User Niceties


A few post-publishing questions:

  1. I could have sworn that my commands were previously showing up in the Command Palette but they are not as a downloaded package (and I may be misremembering entirely.) Is there something special I need to do to get commands listed there? My snippets do show up in the snippets selection box, just not commands.

  2. I realized that many packages have nice options available in Preferences >> Package Settings and so I should probably emulate that, since I do have a settings file in there. Are there any best practices there? I can probably just crack open one of the packages I see that does have a settings entry and just see how they did it, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to find out what NOT to do also.




IIRC it behaves a bit different if your package is in Packages or in User.


IMO Gitgutter gets it right by also having the two panes with default and user config. So, that’s the one to steal borrow from.


>>> import sys
>>> vhdl = sys.modules["VHDL Mode"]
>>> dir(vhdl.vhdl_mode)

this will print your commands. However in your repo I don’t see a .sublime-commands file. You need that in order for the commands to show up in the command palette. Docs here.

Yes, that’s the way to do it :wink:

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Okay thanks. sublime-commands and I think Emacs Pro Essentials has a nice Preferences menu entry so I will emulate that for sublime-menu!



May be worth to add that GitGutter has a different behavior in builds newer than 3124 than in older builds, because the default preferences also changed there. If you publish a new package I would only publish it for 3124 and newer builds and just use the edit_preferences command instead of using the visibility solution done by GitGutter.



I’ll look up edit_preferences. I’m not sure I’ve seen how that works or seen it used yet.



I used it in a package I am going to publish. Just use this file and change the caption and path to VHDL Mode.



PS: You should locally rename the package folder from vhdl_mode to VHDL Mode to avoid upcoming bugs :wink:



Hehe, thanks. Yeah I caught that too. So I made those changes and then copied files into my sublime-package file. And it seems to work except the console is throwing a couple of errors at the same time.

I have:

                                "caption": "Settings",
                                "command": "edit_settings", "args":
                                    "base_file": "${packages}/VHDL Mode/vhdl_mode.sublime-settings",
                                    "default": "{\n\t$0\n}\n"

And like I said, if I use that menu option (it’s showing up properly) it seems to open a new window with side by side frames with the settings and a new file in User that’s blank. In the console it says:

Unable to open /C/Users/mnorton/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/VHDL Mode/vhdl_mode.sublime-settings
Unable to open /C/Users/mnorton/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/vhdl_mode.sublime-settings

Is this just because it’s trying a couple of different locations for the User’s preferences and neither exist yet?

EDIT: Yeah I guess there’s just a hierarchy of places it checks. I wrote new settings entries and saved. Next time it only complained about not finding “VHDL Mode” directory settings (the first of the messages). The User error went away. I tried out a function that utilised the settings, and it picked up the user defined ones, so I guess I’m all good.