Hey All,
I’ve written a WindowCommand (text below) that I would like to call for a build command instead of the normal shell-out-to-external-exe. (Basically my command does the shelling, but with some extra functionality.)
Looking at the docs for build systems, I’m not quite sure how to do this. I have tried:
"cmd": "run_sas_program"],
Which earns me:
[quote][Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified
[cmd: [u’run_sas_program’]]
[dir: C:\deleteme]
[path: yadda yadda yadda]
And also:
"run_sas_program": ],
Which gets me (in the console):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\sublime_plugin.py", line 337, in run_
File ".\exec.py", line 154, in run
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'run_sas_program'
Can anyone tell me how to get this done?
Many thanks!
P.S. In case it’s useful, here’s the command. It seems to work when I bind it to a shortcut key:
import sublime, sublime_plugin, subprocess, os
class RunSasProgramCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
"""Prototype custom SAS build command"""
def run(self):
prg_filename = self.window.active_view().file_name()
extension = os.path.splitext(prg_filename)-1].lower()
if extension == '.sas':
log_filename = prg_filename:-3] + 'log'
lst_filename = prg_filename:-3] + 'lst'
lrn_filename = lst_filename + '.last.run'
if os.path.exists(lrn_filename):
s = sublime.load_settings('sas.sublime-settings')
sas_path = s.get('sas-path', "C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\SASFoundation\\9.2\\sas.exe")
sas_args = s.get('sas-args', '-nologo', '-noovp'])
err_regx = s.get('err-regx', "($(error|warning:)|uninitialized|^l]remerge|Invalid data for)(?! (the .{4,15} product with which|your system is scheduled|will be expiring soon, and|this upcoming expiration.|information on your warning period.))")
s.set('sas-path', sas_path)
s.set('sas-args', sas_args)
call_args = [sas_path, '-sysin', prg_filename, '-log', log_filename, '-print', lst_filename] + sas_args
print subprocess.list2cmdline(call_args)
sublime.status_message("Finished running " + prg_filename)
if os.path.exists(lst_filename):
if os.path.exists(log_filename):
sublime.message_dialog("Problem! Did not find the expected log file (" + log_filename + ").")
# print sas_path + " exists?: " + str(os.path.exists(sas_path))
# sublime.message_dialog("Pretend I ran " + sas_path)
# self.window.open_file(r'C:\Users\Roy\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\SAS\notes.txt')
sublime.message_dialog('Sorry--this only works with .sas files.')