Sublime Forum

Use buffer find in the same window when use buffer is disabled


I have searched these forums and google for this feature but not been able to find it. Essentially I want to use a buffer tab in the default window when “Use buffer” is disabled.

I enjoy the way the window displays search results with use buffer disabled but I’d like the ability to keep track of my previous finds just like the use buffer search gives me. I’d like a way to keep my search results and close or re-open my previous search window.

I find myself in situations pretty frequently where I am searching for something and may get 100 results and I’m moving down the list, then I get to one of the files and have to search inside that file and now I’ve lost my place in the previous search.

Just an idea to make Sublime Text a little better :smile:



I finally figured out how to mostly get the functionality I was asking for here. I added this shortcut to my key bindings:

{ “keys”: [“ctrl+shift+g”], “command”: “show_panel”, “args”: {“panel”: “output.find_results”} },

and disabled “use buffer” in my find results. Now I can bring up my last searched results quickly without losing where I was in my search. Ideally maybe I can still use a buffer in this window though.

Maybe two options “use buffer” and “use windowed find” could be independent of each other. Just a thought.

The update to Sublime I pulled today looks great! Good work and thanks for making an awesome product!