Every time I open a .vue file, after a few seconds blue squiggly lines start appearing everywhere. When hovering over the code, messages are displayed indicating syntax errors. My syntax is correct, so these errors make no sense, and even if there were errors, I never indicated I want to underline them.
My installed packages are:
- Babel
- Color Highlighter
- CSS Extended Completions
- DocBlockr
- EditorConfig
- Emmet
- HTML-CSS-JS Prettify
- Laravel Blade Highlighter
- MJML-syntax
- Package Control
- PHP Companion
- PHP Getters and Setters
- Predawn
- Predawn Monokai
- Pretty JSON
- PyV8
- React IDE
- Sass
- SideBarEnhancements
- Stylus
- SublimeLinter
- SublimeLinter-eslint
- Swift
- TypeScript
- VAlign
- Vue Syntax Highlight
I tried uninstalling Vue Syntax Highlight, SublimeLinter and SublimeLinter-eslint, but that didn’t help.
Does anyone know if there’s some setting or package that causes this?