Sublime Forum

Unicode characters suddenly stopped displaying correctly


I am running Sublime Text 2 v2.0.1, Build 2217. I had entered some Japanese and Chinese characters in a file and saved it and all was working great. Then, overnight, my machine rebooted. Now, when I open the files in Sublime, all I see are rectangles where the Japanese and Chinese characters used to display. The interesting thing is that if I copy and paste Chinese characters into a Sublime document, they show as white rectangles in the file text area but I see the correct Chinese characters in the tab and in the Open Files sidebar! Please see the attached screen shot.

What’s happened? All had been working great until the overnight reboot of my machine. How can I fix this?

I’m running on Windows 7, by the way.




Well, I noticed that Notepad++ had stopped displaying Unicode characters as well on my machine. I uninstalled Sublime Text 2, verified my locale settings were correct in Windows 7 and then rebooted my machine. After rebooting, Notepad++ could display Unicode characters again. I installed Sublime Text 2 again and voila!, it works!

I’m still not sure what the problem was but the old reboot did the trick.



I’m pretty sure this is related to latest Windows Updates. A simple reboot solved these issues on my machine.



I have the exact same issue.

A reboot didn’t help.



[quote=“karimmaassen”]I have the exact same issue.

A reboot didn’t help.[/quote]

same here: Encoding problem