Sublime Forum

Unable to "save as" file


Product: Sublime Text 4
Build: 4126
OS: Mac 12.5.1

When trying to save a new file I am unable to. The save dialog is mostly unresponsive, except for the file name field. The save button also remains disabled, even when characters are typed, and you are unable to interact with the dialog.

However, if you resize the dialog window, the functionality fixes itself and you are able to save.

Some assistance would be greatly appreciated.




I can’t reproduce this using build 4126 and macOS 12.5.1. Does it only happen in that directory?



For me, it happens if I try to save in any directory. I initially attempted to create a new file from the side bar tree. So I also tried creating a new file just with the current context (cmd+N), and it still did it.

It’s really strange to be honest, as I’ve been using build 4126 for a bit now.

I was wondering if perhaps there’s a package that’s causing an issue? I haven’t noticed any update/changelogs from package manager when I’ve boot up the editor recently though.

I could send a list of packages I currently have installed if that would help? I’ll probably go thru the list and try disabling them one by one, and see if that fixes the issue.

Thank you for responding so quickly!



I ended up disabling all packages and restarting the editor. The issue still happens, so I’m confident that it’s not an issue with Package Control or a specific package.

It’s the fact that resizing the save window/dialog then allows you to save, it what’s confusing me.



You know what, I think there’s something wrong with my OS. I tried doing a “save as” from another application and it’s behaving the same way.

Really sorry for wasting time. I think this can be marked as closed/resolved.