@FichteFoll Hi, I did install on a fresh machine. The company for which I am writing the plugin has Sublime Text 2 as the authorized version allowed for installation. So it was pretty simple to install it on Sublime Text 2. I deleted the existing YAML files including the cache files and copied with the .tmlanguage we need for the plugin and it worked very well in first go without any hiccups.
But, I have another code related issue for another enhancement required for this plugin. I have to get the list in alphabetical order and though the tuple i am creating is in alphabetical order, somehow when i return it on_query_completions, the list does not come in the same fashion. below is my code for on_query_completions. Now until the print statement, the completion set is as per the alphabetical listing, but the moment the return statement is called, the list which is shown to the user is not as per the generated one. I need help and understanding on how to achieve this.
def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
scope_name = sublime.windows()[0].active_view().scope_name(sublime.windows()[0].active_view().sel()[0].begin())
#print("IntelliSense debug: o_q_c scope_name = ", scope_name)
if view.match_selector(locations[0], “source.yaml”):
if len(prefix) >= 1:
currentposition = view.sel()[0].begin()
currentline = view.full_line(currentposition)
text = view.substr(currentline)
# return self.get_autocomplete_list(prefix)
# print "IntelliSense debug: Fetching autocomplete list."
completion_set = self.get_autocomplete_list(prefix, scope_name,text)