Sublime Forum

Typescript support


It’s 2024 and Sublime text is still misleading everyone with its TypeScript support.

Support for one of the most popular new programming languages is now shipped by default. Utilize all of the smart syntax-based features of Sublime Text within the modern JavaScript ecosystem.

Someone from Sublime Text hear our prayers, your marketers are lying to you, ST4 DOES NOT SUPPORT TypeScript. Only syntax highlighting - which worked fine in version 3.

Please come to your senses - add full TypeScript support - before the editor is completely extinct.

For 5 years I have been forced to use VS code only because my favorite editor ST does not support typescript correctly.
PS: LSB does not work correctly



That’s what support means for the other couple of dozen languages that ST supports, so at least it’s consistent



ST4 DOES NOT SUPPORT TypeScript. Only syntax highlighting - which worked fine in version 3.

Sublime Text 3 did not include any syntax highlighting for TypeScript whatsoever. There were certainly packages of varying quality, but we did not ship any support for TypeScript until version 4.

Please come to your senses - add full TypeScript support - before the editor is completely extinct.

SublimeText fully supports TypeScript. Goto-definition/Goto-reference, syntax-based auto-complete, auto-indentation, etc. all work with TypeScript the same way they do other languages we support.

Sublime Text does not have IDE functionality built-in because it is not an IDE. If you want IDE functionality then you can install packages that provide that or go use something else.

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