Sublime Forum

Trying to convert .tmLanguage syntax to .sublime-syntax


I am trying to convert a .tmLanguage file to .sublime-syntax format, using Sublime text. This is to use the file in another program (

These are the instructions that I have to do this:

If the Sublime Text syntax is only available as a .tmLanguage file, open the file in Sublime Text and convert it to a .sublime-syntax file via Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax from XXX.tmLanguage… . Save the new file in the assets/syntaxes folder.

I have pasted the .tmLanguage file in SB and saved it as a .tmLanguage file, but then I see no option Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax from XXX.tmLanguage….

What do I do so that I can convert this file?


Mcnp code syntaxing

sounds like you’re running into
try opening a new tab and setting the syntax of that tab to the one you want to convert, then that menu entry should appear



Thanks. I want to convert the file from .tmLanguage to sublime-syntax, and I see neither of those syntaxes in the list when I click on the right end of the status bar at the bottom.

I am not familiar with Sublime Text.



You need to save it in the Packages folder hierarchy for ST to pick it up - you can try Tools -> Developer - New Syntax, paste in the tmLanguage and save it in the folder ST recommends (Packages/User) as EggBeanSyntax.tmLanguage, then Tools -> Developer -> New Syntax From EggBeanSyntax.tmLanguage.

I’m guessing this is in reference to ? Looks like it is slightly invalid:

no such context .literal-constants of Packages/User/Mikrotek.tmLanguage
Exception: no entry in repository for literal-constants

Well, technically valid but with a warning which the syntax converter doesn’t correctly handle. To fix, comment out or delete:

Then try the New Syntax From… it worked for me, so if you still have trouble I can paste it here I guess



After I removed those lines and followed the rest of your instructions, I get this result:

Is that identical to your file? I get a segmentation fault when I try using the resultant file in bat, so I will ask about that on github.

Thanks a lot for your help.




interesting. I’m one of the maintainers of syntect - the syntax highlighting library bat uses, so I’ll investigate if/when I get time
EDIT: the syncat example seems to work okay with the following text, so maybe a bat-specific problem?

   :local a 3;
      :local b 4;
      :put ($a+$b);
#line below will show variable b in light red color since it is not defined in scope
   :put ($a+$b);