Sublime Forum

Track pad tolerance (Mac)


I’m trying out ST on Mac and one issue I’m having is with scrolling. When text wrapping is off and I use the trackpad to scroll up and down (y-axis) there is often a slight x-axis force of 1-2 pixels which scrolls the text to the right (behind the gutter).

It’s standard for the Mac text system to reject this slight tolerance because it’s clear the user is trying to scroll up and down at 90 degrees and not at some very slight angle like 92 degrees.

Is there alway to fix this for should I file a bug report?

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I’m also annoyed by this. Sounds like a bug to me (or missing feature at least).



The dev’s must have never tested on a MacBook. Not sure about Windows track pads though.



I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but I’ve been using Mac hardware (rMBP, Magic Trackpad and Magic Trackpad 2) exclusively during the development of ST over the past two years and never noticed it.

I’ll make a point of watching for it.



I’ve always used sublime on a MacBook. I’ve noticed the issue referenced by the OP, it’s just never bothered me. The horizontal scrolling does have a threshold of tolerance, it’s just slightly lower than the default system threshold. Pretty subtle difference. Given that I rarely scroll with a mouse in sublime, it really doesn’t affect me.



It has to do with the angle of the wrist which may not affect your hands/hardware. Basically due to the angle our ams rest on the laptop edges when you swipe up and down it makes an arc instead of a straight line. As another user pointed out the tolerance is accounted for it’s just not the same as on the standard MacOS text system and causes issues for some.

Thanks for responding.



Maybe I’m just a sloppy scroller. :slight_smile: I’ve never seen this happen on any other Mac apps though so Apple must have adjusted it better. It’s worth making ST conform to the standard MacOS text system imo.

Speaking of that is there a way to make the cursor 1px wide? Another non-standard thing is the cursor is 2px wide in ST which kinds of throws me off when I switch apps. The selection box drawing is non-standard and the drag and drop doesn’t have have an outline like is standard on Mac. I guess ST has some work to do to be more Mac compliant.


"caret_extra_width": 0

Add that to your user preferences