Sublime Forum

Toggle Switch Recent Tabs in Sublime


Hello everyone,

I’ve searched for something like this and can’t find if it exists. I’m looking for a way to toggle back and forth between the last and current tab of a given window in sublime. I know sublime has a way to go back and forth in the queue of opened files, but I’m looking for just a way to toggle back and forth.

The functionality would be exactly like this google chrome plugin:

Thanks in advance for any help.

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If you do ctrl+p, the very first option will be the last opened file. So you can hit ctrl+p, enter and that will allow you to toggle back and forth.



Thanks a lot @rslee That is quite helpful, I didn’t realize you could press enter immediately, I thought you had to select something in the quick find menu.

I know this may sound silly, but I would find it really worth it productivity wise to combine this into a single keybinding, instead of pressing 3 keys (ctrl+p, then enter).

I just tried recording a macro, of ctrl+p, then enter. But it seems the macro doesn’t save right when you switch to a different file. Another idea I had was to have a keybinding, (preferable alt+q, just like chrome) that maps to a keybinding [ctrl+p+enter]. But since the enter key has to be pressed after the ctrl+p I’m not sure how to do this.

Thanks so much for any help.



You could potentially create a plugin that does this. Here’s a first draft of something that works (mostly; see below):

import sublime, sublime_plugin

# The last view we were in, which is None if there isn't one yet
# or it was closed
lastSeenView = None

class ToggleToLastViewCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    def run(self):
        # Jump to last seen view, if any
        if lastSeenView != None:
            self.window.focus_view (lastSeenView)

class ToggleEventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_close(self, view):
        global lastSeenView

        # If the view being closed is the view we're toggling to, don't try
        # to toggle there any more.
        if view == lastSeenView:
            lastSeenView = None;

    def on_deactivated(self, view):
        global lastSeenView

        # If the view being deactivated isn't a file, do nothing
        if view.file_name () == None:

        # If the view being deactivated is the view that we already think is 
        # the last view, then do nothing.
        if lastSeenView == view:

        # Save this view as the last seen view
        lastSeenView = view;

Saving in (for example) Packages/User/, you can bind it with something similar to:

    { "keys": ["alt+q"], "command": "toggle_to_last_view"}

(Note: The command name is derived from the name of the method that implements the command, not the name of the file that you save the code in).

As I mentioned above, this only “mostly” works. In particular, it gets confused if you open up the command panel or if you give the focus a panel (e.g. the console). As such, this is more of a proof of concept.

Also, this (crudely) checks if a view represents a file by checking if view.file_name () returns a value, which means that this only works for files that have been saved to disk at some point.

Replacing that test with some code that can accurately detect if a view represents a file (saved or otherwise) and not a panel or an input widget would make this more robust.



Thank you so much @OdatNurd! I really appreciate the help. Your code should work for the vast majority of times I would use it. Just what I needed.

I don’t have much experience with Python scripts but something I definitely want to learn. I guess that really opens up more possibilities for sublime customization. I’ll try tweaking your code to make it ignore views anywhere other than the current sublime pane.

Anyways, thanks again!



Glad you find it somewhat helpful! I’m fairly new to sublime so I’m still learning the API and its various ins and outs, so I like the chance to dig a little into things for the experience. :slightly_smiling:



Here’s a workaround for that:

if view.settings().get( "is_widget" ):

Anything that makes it through should be a legit view ( both saved & unsaved ).



Unless I’m misunderstanding, ctrl+tab does this out of the box



I thought so too initially, but he wants a key that will switch between the current tab and the most recently active tab, with those two items switching places (e.g. just always flipping between a .c file and its associated .h file.

The command bound to Ctrl+Tab seems to cycle through all of the tabs in the tab stack in their MRU order, so if you have 4 tabs open it cycles through all of them instead of just flipping between the two.



ctrl+tab works the same as alt+tab / command+tab do at the application level: if you press ctrl+tab, then release ctrl, you can toggle between two files. If you hold down ctrl, and press tab multiple times, than you can visit the last N files.

On a tangent, for the .h/.c case, you likely want to use the key binding associated with the “Goto/Switch File/Switch Header/Implementation” menu



You know, I would swear that I tried that very thing earlier when I saw that was the key that the next_view_in_stack key was bound to, because that sounded like how it should work. Clearly I was being a bozo and not letting go of ctrl. Sorry for the noise.

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Thanks all for the input everyone! I can’t believe I wasn’t aware that ctrl+tab could toggle back and forth (I was always holding down ctrl while doing it, which meant it cycled through the stack). I do still prefer the python script solution because it would be great if I didn’t have to release the key for it to toggle back and forth.

Next thing I’ll dig into is how to include logic like:

if view.pane () != lastSeenPane

I’ve never dug into sublime API… or even written python… (pure full stack JS but I know I need to get good with another language) so I’m sure that is nonsense… but I’ll figure it out, unless someone is bored :slight_smile: would be great to have these events ignore views in different panes than original pane toggle was fired in. It would be even cooler if each pane was treated as a separate entity, so that toggling could “remember” the last view for each separate pane. But that might be a bit much



Ok I just discovered how it works but I almost raged on the forum.

For readers, press Ctrl + Tab, then release both keys, then press Ctrl + Tab again and you will go back to the previous tab.