Soda Dark Refined:
Available on GitHub ( or Package Control.
The light version:
Soda Dark Refined:
The light version:
Theme specific color schemes!? Why not!
Now included directly with the theme in Package Control or GitHub.
Monokai Refined:
Tomorrow Night Refined:
Tomorrow Refined:
Espresso Refined:
I have to give it up to you Cafarm, that is one helluva nice refinement. I slightly prefer the light one over the dark but then again it sort of reminds of when I fire up Final Cut Pro X, sexy. If I ever decide to move back to SublimeText 2 (full time), your theme would be the very first thing I’d install via package control.
This is really nice, thanks!!
Just curious- was there a specific reason you kept the light status bar in the dark theme?
It looks like Soda Dark Refined is no longer in the Aqua theme bundle nor is the Soda Refined theme repo on GitHub anymore. That’s too bad. I liked that theme.