Sublime Forum

Theme - Rainbow (Adaptive Themes for Sublime Text)


I have put together a POC Package that provides adaptive UI themes for Sublime Text - When you change your colour scheme, the theme changes and adapts to the current colour scheme!!! :open_mouth:

There’s only one thing in sublime that was a bit of a nuisance when doing this… ST does not acknowledge changes to Widget Schemes on the fly. If support for modification and re-loading of Widget Schemes on the fly is added, it’ll be awesome! That’ll make this package a tiny bit simpler and give it nicer behaviour.

I just pushed the package on I haven’t put it on Package Control yet, I do plan on doing that though.

Let me know what you guys think! :smiley:

PS: If someone can make a GIF demonstrating this plugin, I’ll be glad. I have struggled for an hour to get a GIF with proper colours. (Even better, tell me how you did it as well. :D)



On Windows you can use ScreenToGif or ShareX. ScreenToGif only produces gifs but allows you to edit them before saving. ShareX can also produce actual videos (using ffmpeg), but you can only embed images on github currently. Videos work here on discourse though.

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ScreenToGif is awesome.



Other options are LiceCap (Windows and MacOS) for fast simple capturing or ActivePresenter if you want to get into more involved stuff; the free version is more than capable for this but in all likelyhood it’s overkill for most needs.

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Of course there’s always Techsmith with:

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So, after 16 days, there’s 4 comments telling me how to make a GIF and 0 people reviewed the package. Hmm… I put a gif in the readme of the repository.

I just pushed some updates and have made a PR on the Package Control channels repository. Seriously, is no one excited about adaptive themes? Did anyone test out this package?



@pradyunsg it’s a great idea but your theme is far from perfect since you’re trying to do a lot.

Here are some notes:

  1. I asked sublime to provide colors from active color scheme to themes so that they can adapt UI to the color scheme.

  2. I’ve done a similar hack to change the background of the sidebar based on the color scheme of the active view

  3. you can have different color schemes for different file types in sublime, so you need to adapt your theme based on active view.

  4. Images should be changed based on dark/light color shceme to look good on background color



Thanks for the response.

  1. I have done so too.
  2. Great! Now I have something I can refer to.
  3. This is an interesting one, a case I didn’t capture. I’ll try to fix this. :wink:
  4. I feel the way both the schemes look currently is fine. I’ve been using this with Solarized (dark and light) and it looks really good to me. I’m still creating a test matrix to test out the colours with other schemes though.

It had to be. I’m not a designer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Could you point out some spots that you think need improvement, so that I can work on them?



I’ll just add to the convo and tell you that I love this idea! Since I saw this feature in Atom (which is terribly slow and basically unusable for large very large projects - which I currently work on), I’ve been hoping that someone would take the time to do this in Sublime Text!

I’ll try this out as soon as I can!




I have made changes to the theme and made it visible to Themr.

This theme is now available on Package Control as Theme - Rainbow so, try it out! Let me know what you think!



Thanks. :innocent:

Try it out and lemme know what you think!