Sublime Forum



First of all - sorry, I’m not a native python speaker :smile:

Actually I just wanted to quickly dump this tiny thing, I’m confident some of you might find a use for this.

Tabularize will turn this:

Course Name | Course Tutor | Summary | Code | Fee After the Civil ... | Dr. John Wroughton | The course will ... | H27 | 32€ An Introduction to ... | Mark Cottle | One day course ... | H28 | 18€ The Glory that ... | Valerie Lorenz | Birthplace of democracy, ... | H30 | 18€

into this:

+------------------------+--------------------+------------------------------+------+-----+ | Course Name | Course Tutor | Summary | Code | Fee | +------------------------+--------------------+------------------------------+------+-----+ | After the Civil ... | Dr. John Wroughton | The course will ... | H27 | 32€ | +------------------------+--------------------+------------------------------+------+-----+ | An Introduction to ... | Mark Cottle | One day course ... | H28 | 18€ | +------------------------+--------------------+------------------------------+------+-----+ | The Glory that ... | Valerie Lorenz | Birthplace of democracy, ... | H30 | 18€ | +------------------------+--------------------+------------------------------+------+-----+

Feel free to improve the code. Actually, really, please do! (and post results back here :smile:)

[code]import sublime, sublime_plugin
import array, string

class TabularizeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
sels = self.view.sel()
for sel in sels:
if sel.empty():

		old = self.view.substr(sel)
		new = self.tabularize(old)

		edit = self.view.begin_edit();
		self.view.replace(edit, sel, new)

def tabularize(self, old):
	rawRows = string.split(old, "\n")

	# spaltenanzahl validieren
	colCount = string.count(rawRows[0], "|") + 1
	for row in rawRows[1:]:
		if string.count(row, "|") != colCount - 1:
			sublime.error_message("column count does not match")
			return old

	# spaltenbreiten ermitteln
	print colCount
	widths = ]
	for col in xrange(0, colCount):
		max = 0
		for row in rawRows:
			val = string.split(row, "|")[col].strip()
			vLen = len(val)
			if vLen > max:
				max = vLen

	new = self.empty_table_line(widths)
	# inhaltszeilen zusammenbauen
	for row in rawRows:
		vals = string.split(row, "|")
		line = "|"
		for col in xrange(0, len(vals)):
			val = vals[col].strip()
			vLen = widths[col]
			line += " " + string.ljust(val, vLen + 1) + "|"
		new += line + "\n"
		new += self.empty_table_line(widths)

	return new

# baut eine header-, footer- oder trennzeile
def empty_table_line(self, widths):
	s = "+"
	for width in widths:
		s += string.replace(string.ljust("", width + 2), " ", "-")
		s += "+"
	return s + "\n"[/code]

Edit: Ignore those localized comments, I’m in a rush - sorry!



Seems lovely, how do I use this? It doesn’t show up as an option in the context or any other menu.



i’ll find use for it too.
save the command under your User folder.
and add keybinding inside your keymap file.
i placed this inside Default (OSX).sublime-keymap

{ "keys": "ctrl+alt+t"], "command": "tabularize" }


quite good! thanks!



Thanks vitaLee, got it working.

[size=150]Idea for the developer: **How about a reverse command? **[/size]

There may be times we need to make adjustments after the tabularization and patching the “table” borders manually could be a lot of work.
If it was possible to revert the data back to serial formatting it’d make life easier.




I improved the code to support Chinese characters. Thanks!

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import array, string

class TabularizeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
   def run(self, edit):
      sels = self.view.sel()
      for sel in sels:
         if sel.empty():

         old = self.view.substr(sel)
         new = self.tabularize(old)

         edit = self.view.begin_edit();
         self.view.replace(edit, sel, new)

   def tabularize(self, old):
      rawRows = string.split(old, "\n")

      # validate number of columns
      colCount = string.count(rawRows[0], "|") + 1
      for row in rawRows[1:]:
         if string.count(row, "|") != colCount - 1:
            sublime.error_message("column count does not match")
            return old

      # determine split width/
      widths = ]
      for col in xrange(0, colCount):
         max = 0
         for row in rawRows:
            val = string.split(row, "|")[col].strip()
            ch_count = self.get_chs_count(val)
            vLen = len(val) + ch_count
            if vLen > max:
               max = vLen

      new = self.empty_table_line(widths)
      # assemble content line by line.
      for row in rawRows:
         vals = string.split(row, "|")
         line = "|"
         for col in xrange(0, len(vals)):
            val = vals[col].strip()
            vLen = widths[col]
            ch_count = self.get_chs_count(val)
            line += " " + string.ljust(val, vLen + 1 - ch_count) + "|"
         new += line + "\n"
         new += self.empty_table_line(widths)

      return new

   # build header, footer with separation line
   def empty_table_line(self, widths):
      s = "+"
      for width in widths:
         s += string.replace(string.ljust("", width + 2), " ", "-")
         s += "+"
      return s + "\n"

   # detect the count of chs chars
   def get_chs_count(self, s):
      l = 0
      for c in s:
         if self.is_chinese(c):
            l += 1
      return l

   # determine whether a char is chs
   def is_chinese(self, uchar):
      if uchar >= u'\u4e00' and uchar<=u'\u9fa5':
         return True
         return False


[quote=“kyprios1”]Thanks vitaLee, got it working.

[size=150]Idea for the developer: **How about a reverse command? **[/size]

There may be times we need to make adjustments after the tabularization and patching the “table” borders manually could be a lot of work.
If it was possible to revert the data back to serial formatting it’d make life easier.[/quote]

You may do a replacement with regex:


with empty, then tabularize again :smile: