Sublime Forum

Tab-switching display render error in 3114 <bug>


When switching between tabs, especially in newly opened files, I will see glitchy rendering of the display of code. See attached picture. I do not encounter this problem in build 3103.

OSX 10.11.5




It’s intermittent but I’m getting this too. Mostly when running on an external 1920x1080 from my MacBook Pro, it seems. Colleagues are experiencing the same. I don’t know what the render performance improvements that have been made entail, but the new glitchiness is more eye catching than any improvements.



This may or may not be related, but I’ve started noticing similar glitchy rendering in the Find Results panel. I think it happens when I delete some of the found results, switch to another file and then later eventually switch back. I haven’t noticed it in any of the files I’m editing. Same OS (OS X 10.11.5), same ST3 version (3114) and I also have the tabs hidden and just navigate via the sidebar. If that makes a difference.

It hasn’t bothered me enough to have me try and find the steps to reliably reproduce the problem. The glitches I see tend to be in the blank space after the actual find results content, and don’t interrupt the current content as shown in the image above. So it’s not so intrusive for me.



Same bug that I have reported: Glitche on screen when switching tabs with a video



There is a workaround in the above topic.

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Cool. Testing for 30 seconds… it seems to resolve the issue, adding

"gpu_window_buffer": true,

I’ll reply again in the thread you linked to if the problem persists.


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