Sublime Forum

Tab_size not working


when i upgrade to the latest version, and open the old file, the file’s tab size from 4 to 2, i did not change the user settings, and i open the file with other editor, the tab size is 4 normal, what is the problem?



maybe try setting "detect_indentation": false, in your user preferences so that it will always use your tab size setting and not infer it from the files you open



thanks your answer. but i feel sorry about that is not the situation you said it.
i did not write anything in the user setting file, actually i write “detect_indentation”: true to the setting file, it still not working yet. thanks again



Try disable indentation detection but not work.
I found one way to manually correct the tab size: Go to bottom right of sublime text, in the left of coding language and you can see sublime detect the tab size, in my case is “Space:4”. Click to it and change to your desire size (see image below)