Sublime Forum

Tab Context Menu keyboard shortcut


When you hover over tab and right click, Context Menu that appears is different then when you right click on an opened file.

On the file:


On the tab:

How to add keyboard shortcut to that menu.



I don’t think you can (or at least not easily); the same context_menu command fires either way, with the distinction being that the event argument having a different mouse position. This strongly hints that the command itself displays one menu or the other depending on the position of the mouse.

In THEORY you could try to invoke the command with an event that has a mouse position above the tab bar, but there is no way to know with any accuracy what position that would be, since you can’t reliably tell how wide tabs are (e.g. longer filenames have longer tabs, unless there are a lot of tabs in which case they shorten, but the window can be narrow which also makes them shorten even more, etc).

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Thanks for the info. I will put it as a feature request.