Sublime Forum

SystemVerilog Instance -> How Add Paremeters?


Hi All,

By default the Verilog/SystemVerilog instances are declared without parameters.

For example, there is a following module:
`module M #(parameter P) (input A, output B)
So, the default instance, which is triggered by the verilog_module_inst command, will be like following:
M i_M (.A,(A).B(B));
But, how to get the instance of the module with its parameters like following?
M i_M #(.P(P)) (.A(A), .B(B));

Thank you!

Thank you!



If you open preferences -> packages settings -> SystemVerilog -> Settings, you can set sv.param_explicit to true: in this case the parameter should appear even when default value is used.



Thank you a lot for your answer, but:
Where should I do the change - in the default or user settings?
I tried to do this change in the default settings, but they are read-only.
I tried to add the definition to the User Settings, but received the following error message:

So where to add the sv.param_explicit definition and how?

Thank you!



All sublime-settings files should have a { as the first character in the file and a } as the last character, so adding that should fix it.



Works, thanks! Are the curved brackets {} not required in the Default Settings?



They’re required in all settings files, but sometimes when packages set up the menu entries for creating their own settings they don’t include the { } in the template content that gets added when the file doesn’t exist yet. So occasionally when configuring a package for the first time you might need to add them in yourself.