I’m trying to figure out how exactly to extend (add to or augment) an existing context from my CSS-gf.sublime-syntax file. I might very well be doing this completely wrong. Below is my main attempt that I’ve been playing with that I can’t get to work. All the base syntax appears to be working via the - include: 'scope:source.css'
Thanks for any help.
[code]%YAML 1.2
name: ‘CSS [gf]’
scope: source.css.gf
- include: vendor-prefix
- include: ‘scope:source.css’
- match: “-(?:(webkit)|(moz)|(ms)|(o)|(khtml))-”
scope: support.type.vendor-prefix.css
1: support.type.vendor-prefix.webkit.css
2: support.type.vendor-prefix.mozilla.css
3: support.type.vendor-prefix.ms.css
4: support.type.vendor-prefix.opera.css
5: support.type.vendor-prefix.khtml.css[/code]
In the above I’m trying to add vendor specific scope/names so they can be assigned their own colors, as well as adding ‘khtml’ to the list.
Thanks for any help.