Sublime Forum

[Syntax Highlight] How to match already matched text



I want to add highlight to some variation of Assembler. It looks like this:

tabA:	.space	1040
sumB:	.double	0.0

	sgei	r30, r1, #1040
	bnez	r30, ExitA

wspB:	.double	2.2

    	addi	r1, r1, #8

The definitions: .data, and .text are starting sections where there are special rules inside.

I define following rules to get section of data and section of text

- comment: data section
  name: entity.section
  begin: ^\.data$
  end: ^\.text$
    # rules related to data section
- comment: text section
  name: entity.section
  begin: ^\.text$
  end: ^\.data$
    # rules related to text section

Unfortunately it does not highlight .text section because begin: ^\.text$ is already consumed by end: ^\.text$ of previous section.

How to rematch end regexp in next rules.



You can surround your end pattern with (?: ) to have a matching regexp that does not consume the text (lookahead).



While using look ahead groups is indeed the solution to this, the actual syntax is ^(?=\.text$).

(?:) is a non-capturing group. Non-capturing groups do not create a capture, but they do consume characters and cause them to not get matched again.

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@FichteFoll Thank you. It works!