Sublime Forum

Syntax definition: explicitly specify backref context


It seems like back references in a match key use the captures from the match that pushed the context:

  - match: '(foo)(bar)'
    scope: parent
    push: child

  - match: '(?=\1)'
    pop: true
  - match: baz
    scope: child
foobar    <- parent, push child
baz       <- child
          <- pop child

But it seems like if child pushes or sets a new context, the new context can no longer refer to parent's captures. This is an issue for me, as I would like the top-level definition to work at any indentation level and any contexts pushed from that point on should be able to check if the indentation level goes below the initial indentation and pop out. This functionality is similar to embed or with_prototype, but one of my definitions uses branch, and I can’t use either with branch.

It would be nice to do something like

  - match: '(foo)(bar)'
    scope: parent
    capture_name: parent
    push: child1

  - match: '(?=\1)'
    capture_context: parent
    pop: true
  - match: baz
    scope: child1
    push: child2

  - match: '(?=\1)'
    capture_context: parent
    pop: true
foobar    <- parent, push child1
baz       <- child1, push child2
          <- pop child2
          <- pop child1