Symbol list in sidebar is the only feature I miss in sublime. It helps you quick navigate trough code, ctrl+r is ok but it is better to always have them visible.
Double sidebar, one for file tree and one for symbols would be even awesomer. What do you think?
Symbol list in sidebar
yes, this is why I still use Geany, which has virtually all the capabilities as Sublime Text. (minus multi-select, but find-replace works just as well in most cases)
I agree. Even an over/under arrangement (files on top, symbols below) would be quite nice. Each could be made collapsible.
Also agree 100%. I would buy this and force the rest of my team to buy Sublime Text if there was a dedicated symbol list. It’s the only thing preventing universal adoption at our company, as simple as it may seem.
Is Crtl-R (windows) too hard to do? I find that typing is much faster than scrolling down a list and selecting with your mouse… Sublime has excellent search capability and your hands never have to leave your keyboard…
Control-R is quick but it’s not pleasant to browse. Sometimes you just want to wander around the symbols and see what’s where.
Yes. Discoverability is an important thing. it’s hard to just type a destination if you don’t know what destinations are available.
That would be great.
A related feature, would be to have intelligent autocompletion for symbols. So if you have a function definition somewhere in your project, you should have an automatic snippet when calling that function so you don’t have to check what parameters that function needs.
I’ve been hoping to see this feature added via plug-in since I was introduced to Sublime, but apparently one can not create sidebars via plugin. This is the only reason I still use netbeans when I’m digging into code that’s new to me.
I’ve already bought a license so it won’t be the feature that gets me to pay, but I could count a few employees here at the office that would switch if it had this ( plus go-to-symbol which is coming in ST3).
Even if we just get the ability to add our own sidebars via plugin that would be great. I’d either write it myself, or pay someone to write it.
+1 on this feature, or a proper sidebar API to implement this feature via a plugin
maybe symList will help, it’s a small script I created for personal use but might also be useful for others:
It’s far from being perfect (and maybe also far from being finished) but at least it helps me whenever I feel the need to have a clickable functions list. It’s also the first Python script I ever wrote, so maybe don’t look too close at the code
I’m surprised to see that this request is 6 years old, has 3.8k views (proving this is a demanded feature) !!! and is not implemented yet !
It is THE missing feature in Sublime Text and it is not even that hard to implement …
I don’t have enough fingers or even limbs on my body to count the outrageous number of posts asking for that feature.
Every new person I ask if they know a way around that, tell me : “Right? Why didn’t they do that already? So stupid!”
NONE of the plugins out there are good enough JUST BECAUSE there is no way to implement it as a static, elegant and friendly sidebar.
Such a shame, I’m now looking for an other IDE …
That is probably the best alternative so far but GOD this is so ugly and miserable … (no offense to the person that wrote it) having that on a pane as a file is so wrong.