Sublime Forum

SublimeText4 unable to install SublimeLinter package


I am using Sublime Text stable Channel build 4169.

I have installed the Package Control plugin, and today I updated it using the console command:

from urllib.request import urlretrieve;urlretrieve(url=“”, filename=sublime.installed_packages_path() + ‘/Package Control.sublime-package’)

With both versions, when I want to install the sublime linter package using:

  • Ctrl shift P
  • Package Control: Install Package
  • SublimeLinter

I get a link to a package with 2021.1013.0311 version which I select.

With both versions of the Package Control I have tried, the installation fails with this message in the console:

Exception in thread Thread-26:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\mes_programmes\Sublime\Data\Installed Packages\Package Control.sublime-package\package_control/”, line 1527, in install_package
File “./python3.8/”, line 1475, in read
File “./python3.8/”, line 1514, in open
File “./python3.8/”, line 1441, in getinfo
KeyError: “There is no item named ‘SublimeLinter-4.9.6/.python-version’ in the archive”

I can’t know if the 2021 Sublime Linter had an internal version 4.9.6, but it seems outdated compare to the 4.23.3.
Is it the reason why it fails, and what can I do to make it works?
Note: I have been able to successfully install “Python Computer Vision Snippets” with the same procedure to eliminate potential security/network/configuration/?? issues



It is an expected situation not to find a .python-version within a package.

The KeyError exception should therefore be catched during runtime. I can’t think of a way how it should be printed to console unless plugin_hosts exception handling was totally broken or disabled.


Package Control picking up such an out-dated version indicates it using out-dated meta data.

Please check Package Control.sublime-settings for not having an outdated entry in “repositories” setting or “channel” pointing to a possibly out-dated channel.json.

With Package Control 4.0.5 and default settings the correct version of SublimeLinter is provided for install.
