Sublime Forum

Sublime Theme Documentation



So I discover this amazing app 3 days ago and it’s amazing. It’s has been 3 very happy days for me. Previously I was using TextWrangler and couldn’t believe such amazing product like this existed.

Immediately after start using I discover we can make our theme and color schemes. I found some online but they are all pretty bad, lacking understanding, UI ergonomy and efficiency. So I started coding my Color Scheme (which is now finished) but now I want to make the whole app UI Theme too. I could open a theme and start copying the code and editing to fit my needs but it’s not how I work, I like to know what I’m doing and why.

For the Scheme development I followed this documentation but I’m not being able to find a good similar documentation for the Theme.

Does anyone know any resource for Theme development?

Thank you.



There is no documentation for themes like there is for color shemes yet.

I suppose the best action would be to look at existing themes and, indeed, copy stuff from them or at least learn how it works. … -and-ideas used to be something that you link to someone that attempts to delve into theme developing, but I don’t know if that’s still relevant.

By the way, for color scheme development I can recommend



Thank you for the answer. I guess I will have to see the variables from other themes… Not that there’s something wrong with it but knowing why and when the variables work including user pref dependecies would be useful.

This app rocks hard! It has helped me a lot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks also for your link to the CSScheme, I will give it a look now.