So I discover this amazing app 3 days ago and it’s amazing. It’s has been 3 very happy days for me. Previously I was using TextWrangler and couldn’t believe such amazing product like this existed.
Immediately after start using I discover we can make our theme and color schemes. I found some online but they are all pretty bad, lacking understanding, UI ergonomy and efficiency. So I started coding my Color Scheme (which is now finished) but now I want to make the whole app UI Theme too. I could open a theme and start copying the code and editing to fit my needs but it’s not how I work, I like to know what I’m doing and why.
For the Scheme development I followed this documentation docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/index.html but I’m not being able to find a good similar documentation for the Theme.
Does anyone know any resource for Theme development?
Thank you.