Sublime Forum

Sublime text 4 and fzf



I was wondering if there is any way to integrate fzf (or anything similar) with sublime text 4, so that when searching, it lists all occurrences. All with keyboard only. When it shows the list, pressing up and down makes it jump to where the word is.

This would be similar to Neovim and fzf. BTW. I recently switched to ST from Neovim and am very happy with ST.

Thank you



You can do “Find in Files” and hit F4 or shift+F4 to navigate found terms. also provides dedicated key bindings.

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I’ve never used Neovim or fzf. I use Vintage mode in ST. Just adding to @deathaxe’s answer, you can install BetterFindBuffer. It allows you to jump to the next (previous) result in “Find in Files” using j (k). I have done a few tweaks to the package, such as changing colors, as well as setting N to move to the previous file. Anyway, I encourage you to give it a try.

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Does it suppose to highlight the found terms when you navigate through them with F4? For me it doesn’t. Thanks