ST4 / 4126 / Windows
I’ve loaded in a fairly large XML file ~3 million lines.
If I do a regex search for one of the commonly found patterns SEQUENCE_NO\=\"
and Find All
I end up with 53200 selection regions; Found 53200 matches
in the status bar.
alone omits the “X of Y matches” and selection regions messages.
On a much smaller file, the “X of Y matches” version seems to pop up.
You can change this by adding the following lines to your settings Preferences -> Settings
"find_highlight_matches_max_size": 0, // 16MiB
// Same as "find_highlight_matches_max_size" but used when regex is enabled.
"find_regex_highlight_matches_max_size": 0, // 1MiB
this then seemed to work as the OP expects.
I’m on a box with a fair amount of memory - 128Gb - but ST didn’t appear to rise above 1Gb with all my other ST windows / LSP etc. going.