Sublime Forum

Sublime Text 3 not indexing large files


Does indexing have a file size limit. I have some 26MB files that are not getting indexed. Smaller files with the same symbol are getting indexed which makes me think it is a file size limitation.



If you open the file does the expected syntax get applied?



Yes. If I open the large file, the syntax is applied and the references show up.



If indexing takes too long it is aborted, which may be likely for larger files.



The whole project is indexed in under 5 minutes. About 100k files. Do you know what the time limit is for indexing?



Not exactly.

I also have several syntax test files the indexer fails on.

I guess its the syntax_test_tcl_perf.tcl which has about 100k lines of code with about 4.5MB of size.


indexing [job 1]: spawning 10 workers to process 4096 / 4330 files
worker 3772 appears stuck while processing file /C/Apps/Sublime Text/Data/Packages/TCL/syntax_test_tcl_perf.tcl, killing process
worker 8780 appears stuck while processing file /C/Data/Sublime/Packages/Git Formats/Git Link.sublime-syntax, killing process
worker 8008 appears stuck while processing file /C/Data/Sublime/Packages/Git Formats/Git Ignore.sublime-syntax, killing process
worker 10096 appears stuck while processing file /C/Apps/Sublime Text/Data/Packages/PHP/tests/syntax_test_php.php, killing process
worker 7984 appears stuck while processing file /C/Apps/Sublime Text/Data/Packages/Rails/tests/syntax_test_rails.haml, killing process
worker 8228 appears stuck while processing file /C/Data/Sublime/Packages/Git Formats/Git Log.sublime-settings, killing process
worker 5828 appears stuck while processing file /C/Data/Sublime/Packages/Erlang/Erlang.sublime-syntax, killing process
worker 8952 appears stuck while processing file /C/Apps/Sublime Text/Data/Packages/PHP/tests/syntax_test_indentation.php, killing process
worker 7020 appears stuck while processing file /C/Data/Sublime/Packages/Git Formats/Git Attributes.sublime-syntax, killing process
worker 8896 appears stuck while processing file /C/Apps/Sublime Text/Data/Packages/User/Terminus/Terminus.hidden-color-scheme, killing process
indexing: crawler exited while processing /C/Apps/Sublime Text/Data/Packages/TCL/syntax_test_tcl_perf.tcl, no symbols recorded