Sublime Forum

Sublime Text 3 constantly crashes on Windows 10


Hi my Sublime Text 3 constantly crashes. It’s really annoying and is making me want to change product but I really love Sublime Text when it works. It’s so fast and the addons are awesome.

I’d even pay for a subscription, but I can’t justify it at the moment because it’s so tempremental.

I’ve tried reistalling, and clearing the temp files to no avail. I’ve uninstalled all packages. It seems to crash when I’m doing something innocent like scrolling.


ST3 spell checker confused by punctuation

Can you provide some info about your video card?

P.S. Also try to update your video card driver.



does Windows create a .dmp file in ST’s installation folder? That might give more details of what is causing the crash.



[Monitoring Your PC with Resource Monitor and Task Manager]

Once you get those going (feel out the crash a few times) check your Windows/Logs folder. r/o os



I have this same problem. Consistent crashes on windows 10 regardless of plugins used. I’ve wiped by workspace and projects files several times.

Most consistently it will crash while scrolling the tabs while 15+ tabs are open. I turned that option off which helped significantly.

It used to crash more while it was on integrated graphics from Intel, but since I’ve installed a dedicated nvidia GPU the problem has dropped from many times a day down to once or twice a day.

Sometimes when it crashes it just stays in a broken state in the task manager, other times it fully crashes leaving an Application Error in my system log.

I’m on build 3126, and I’m just now trying the 32-bit build instead of 64 to see if that helps.

If your application wasn’t so good at saving it’s state, I’d have left the application months ago. I can not buy it in this state.



I do have the same problem, and don´t know why, it happens 5 times a day at anytime without any warning.



Unhandled exception at 0x00FBFE5E in sublime_text.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x01290FC0.

If I could get a PDB I could provide more info. I’m on Build 3126, 32-bit Windows.



I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 660. In fact there was a driver update, so let me see if that fixes the problem.



Both 64-bit and 32-bit builds crash consistently.



Have you tried build 3129? There were a number of changes over the past six months, any number of which have the possibility of helping this issue.



Try to provide as much information as possible so someone can reproduce your problem on their machine.

I’m on Windows 10 as well, and the latest Sublime builds never crashed once for me. It’s very hard to just try to guess what’s going on on your end.



I’m not a paying user yet, so I can’t access development builds. I can’t really justify it when I’m crashing so often. Fingers crossed though, it looks like the latest nvidia driver update for this month seems to have corrected the problem.

It’s unusual for that to happen outside of a game development context for me.



I provided an exception code, my build on windows, outlined trouble shooting steps (deleting workspace and project files, trying with and without plugins, switching between 32-bit and 64-bit binaries), my graphics card, and even rough steps I suspect might be behind the very unpredictable but consistent crashing.

I even asked for a PDB to actually provide the exact call stack where it fails.

Read the full thread before you acuse people of not providing enough information.



I would at least provide a plugin list and try whether I can crash a clean portable ST. I don’t see any helpful information across the whole post actually, unless a post got deleted.