okayy… let’s try to be constructive and let me explain more precisely, looks like you need more details :
1- Case change : CTRL+K, L and CTRL+K,U changes both tags **AND **text… I said I wanted to change the case of tags **OR **text…
for example if I select a bunch of line in my html and I want to change only the case of the inside text and not the tags, if I press “CTRL+K then L”
everything is changed… that’s not what I wanted… ok… this is not an important feature 
2- ColorPicker : of course I allready installed the ColorPicker plugin (the other one, “colorpick”, only works for Mac if I’m not mistaken)… ok, so now I have the usual color picker from windows… like in Paint… duh… I wanted something more modern… 
3- Buttons : I don’t care if I look like a pro or not, I want my coding to be fast and practical… maybe lots of coders have a great brain memory with 100s or 1.000s of shortcuts in their heads… I don’t…
Even when you have editors with buttons, you can hide the button bars to look like a pro if you want
, but if you have bad memory or are just starting to learn the shortcuts… you’re wasting a lot of time trying to remember… for example, I printed out a cheat sheet with the most important shortcuts and zen coding… of course I hope to no need it anymore after a while.
4- Code printing : If you read well, I said working code printing… because for me it doesn’t work, nothing happens, even if I click the menu “File/Print as html in browser” (on 2 different computers)… but maybe you will tell me it doesn’t work with Sublime Text in portable mode…
5- Image insertion : I allready installed the “AutoFileName” plugin, which is great but only if you know the name of the file you want to insert and if you start typing it… which in most cases in don’t remember… that’s why I prefer to be able to have a dialog box to browse to my image folder and preview it there before selecting it… I would love to have a better solution of course… how do you guys do it… I’m open to suggestions 
And I don’t see how the snippets library can help me… maybe you need to explain this to me…
For now, what I do is “img+TAB” so i have my tag… but then, how to choose an image ?
Ok, and here is a list of the shortcuts I modified for myself :
one more thing… on Webuilder, if I want to turn lines of text into a list I just select the lines and press a button.
In SublimeText… I select the line and then I have to do “CTRL+SHIFT+L” for multi-line edit, then “ALT+SHIFT+W” to wrap selection in tag, then write “li” which is at this point added to every line that is selected… and finaly add the “ul”…
it doesn’t seem to me that this way is faster than cliking a button…
Maybe there is a snippet or plugin i don’t know about yet 
Happy trolling
(well not really… I’d prefer you to be constructive than to waste our time… or maybe you don’t use Sublime because it’s fast ? But only because it makes you look like pros ? LOL )