Sublime Forum

Sublime Software Sweepstakes - License Giveaway!


Super excited to announce the Sublime Software Sweepstakes! To celebrate the public announcement of the new version of Sublime Text, I’m giving away three Personal Sublime Text licenses ($80USD/each) and three Personal Sublime Merge licenses ($99 USD/each)!

Details are in the video linked below, and full giveaway rules are available at:​

Massive, Massive thanks to SublimeHQ for the support and gracious donation of the licenses for the giveaway.

Now, get out there and share the Sublime love!



Great! thanks for this Giveaway.
Very generous of you
I hope to earn a license.


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requires twitter account…

boo, hiss



Excellent. Thank you for this. I hope to earn one of those licenses.

ST-4 I’m coming for you! :trophy:

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We’re now in week two of the sweepstakes! Remember, you can enter once per day for each license you’d like to win to increase your chances. Competition is heating up, so get your entries in!