Sublime Forum

Sublime Merge lists tracked files as untracked


git status lists way less files than sublime merge.
its not the excludesFiles-Issue already reported by someone else.

here a partial of the debug info

=== Git Status Information ===
?? .gitignore
?? invoiced claims
?? lib/delphi/CampusLibraries/mscorlib_TLB.dcr
?? lib/delphi/CampusLibraries/mscorlib_TLB.pas
?? lib/delphi/CampusLibraries/pGSAxCampusNET_TLB.dcr

=== Our Status Information ===
?? .gitignore
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_CAMP_CHANGESTATUS_6_2_26.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_CAMP_NATIONALITY2_STALA.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_CAMP_STATUSCAR.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_COUNTRY1_STALA.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_COUNTRY1_STANDARD.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_COUNTRY2_STALA.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_COUNTRY2_STANDARD.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_FUTURE_COUNTRY1_STALA.xml
?? database/DBAssistent/FieldInputUpdate/ADDRESS_FUTURE_COUNTRY2_STALA.xml
?? invoiced claims
?? lib/delphi/CampusLibraries/mscorlib_TLB.dcr
?? lib/delphi/CampusLibraries/mscorlib_TLB.pas
?? lib/delphi/CampusLibraries/pGSAxCampusNET_TLB.dcr

see here the full debug info:

And here a screen of my file manger if that helps.

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after doing some random changes in


both git and sublime merge detected it as modified

if i try to stage one of the unchanged untracked (but really tracked) files, sublime merge stages them for a second before it lits it again as untracked.

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What does your .gitignore file look like? Might be similar to the issues reported in SublimeMerge: Ignoring global git config, at least its excludeFiles



I have a similar issue with some (20ish) files shown as untracked.
Theses files are not ignored, they are tracked, and not shown by a git status command.



I’m facing this issue too with about 90 tracked and not-ignored files that are listed as untracked in Sublime Merge.
For some of these mistakenly untracked files some segments of the part are displayed in the wrong casing (for example “Api” instead of “api”).

Running on Windows OS.

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its empty, i guess sublime merge created the file while i was exploring the sublime merge menu.



I have a similar issue. One folder that was renamed a few months ago from libs/base/MyThingLib to libs/base/MyThing, and shows up in the list as files in libs/base/mything/folder/a/b/MyClass.m. Git status shows up as nothing changed:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

But every file in this folder shows up as unstaged. This problem with the exact same files shows up in my coworkers checkout, so it’s a reproducible bug with a specific git checkout dataset, probably having to do with case. Our computers are on macOS 10.13.6, and we are both using the APFS file system. APFS is case insensitive by default and we are not using a case sensitive version of APFS.

My estimate is this issue shows up in case insensitive file systems, which is why it’s also shown up in windows also, which is case insensitive by default.



btw. issue remains in Build 1085.

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I’m also seeing this. Very frustrating as SM shows I have 265 untracked files that don’t don’t show up in a normal git status



I’ve been trying to reproduce with build 1058, but haven’t been able to yet.

@keydon Are you using LFS? I saw a reference to some config for it in your debug information.



This is a known issue when the directories in the index have mixed case. Git normally won’t create mixed case paths in the index, but it will do if core.ignorecase has been turned off at some point. We’re currently working on handling this properly, it’ll be fixed in a new build later this week.

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Issue is resolved for me with Build 1062