Sublime Forum

Sublime Merge is getting worse and worse


I have used Sublime Merge for about 6 years now.

I have encountered more bugs in the last 6 months than I did in the previous 5 1/2 years.

Something is going very wrong on the Sublime Merge dev team lately and the results are glaring. I am about to jump ship.



G’day @Ap0c552,

Sorry to hear you’ve experienced issues using Sublime Merge. I can definitely investigate this further.

When you have a spare moment, could you please share any bug reports here and I can investigate further:

If the bugs have already been posted in the issue tracker, would you mind sharing them again here and I can follow up.

- Dylan from Sublime HQ



Not seen any bugs myself tbh. Smooth sailing!



I agree. I’ve reported a bug more than a year ago that happens to me quite often (every day at least once) and is quite serious, but nothing was done about it.

I wish I never bought the app. It gets almost no support despite it being quite expensive.

@djohnston Suggests the thing I did, but my experience is that the issue will be lost in the thousands that are already reported.



Still running into bugs here and there. The other day it was hung pulling forever. Turns out git had completed the pull but the UI was hung.

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Would love to renew my subscription but I can’t use Sublime Merge for my current work due to this almost one year old issue with large repositories.



Hi @jnns,

Thank you for your patience while this has been investigated. We’ve got some additional updates coming very soon which should speed up performance with large repositories.

In the meantime, I’ve responded on the issue directly with a few questions. When you have a spare moment, I’d greatly appreciate your help answering these.

Many thanks,
- Dylan from Sublime HQ