Sublime Forum

Sublime Merge GitFlow Publish option?


Is there an option to use Git Flow Publish for those of us with protected branches that require a Pull Request? I can kick out to the terminal, but I didn’t see anything directly in the Sublime Merge client.

λ  git flow feature help
usage: git flow feature [list]
   or: git flow feature start
   or: git flow feature finish
   or: git flow feature publish
   or: git flow feature track
   or: git flow feature diff
   or: git flow feature rebase
   or: git flow feature checkout
   or: git flow feature pull
   or: git flow feature delete

    Manage your feature branches.

    For more specific help type the command followed by --help


Hi @Predatorian3,

Thanks for your feedback! I’m currently in the process of adding publish support.
I will keep you updated of the progress.

- Dylan