Sublime Forum

Sublime Merge: FeatureRequest: Files: Double-clicking files


I’ve been a SourceTree user. I’m an iOS developer and git my workflow is usually:

  • Write some code in Xcode
  • Switch to to review unstaged, file-by-file
  • Stage file files one at a time
  • Spot something I want to change
  • Double-click file to open back in Xcode (default editor for Swift files)

Two things I’m missing here:

  • Double-clicking a file opens the file
  • Opening in “default” application
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Hi @rjchatfield,

Thanks for using Sublime Merge, and for sharing your feedback with us! We use this kind of feedback every day to guide our development.

You’re probably already aware, but just in case - you can open a file in the editor of your choice through the context menu (right-click the diff). Additionally, you can tweak this editor through the preferences menu.

I’ll be noting down your feedback for the team!

Kind regards,
- Dylan

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