Sublime Forum

Sublime Forum difficult to use because of omni present menu bar


Not everyone has a high resolution display. The bar at the top of the forum showing the icon and “Sublime Forum” on the left and the pull down menu and search etc on the right being ALWAYS at the top of the display even when i scroll down is not only annoying it also ALWAYS covers over what ever it is that is at the top of the display even when im scrolled all the way up.

If i scroll down i have lost about an inch of visual real-estate on a laptop where one inch is a significant portion of the display.

Please ANCHOR this to the top of the page!



This is a pre-built forum software called Discourse, we just changed a couple of settings and added a logo. I don’t believe the nav bar can be configured in the way you desire.



Well i never liked this new forum software that just pukes every category into the same list. I know phpbb has issues but whoever develops this forum software isnt really thinking things through, that bar behaving the way it does dedicates a significant portion of my desktop realestate to funnctions that do not need to be on screen 100% of the time or could be there in MUCH less intrusive ways such as in a column to the left or right.
would rather we had changed to something more akin to phpbb but without the security flaws… maybe bbpress?
too late now though I guess. :confused:



You can browse the categories at

In general, Discourse does a better job of keeping the spam at bay, and providing features (like syntax highlighting) that users find helpful. Unfortunately there are some downsides too, but it does seem overall to be an upgrade from PHPBB.

There obviously are some things that would be nice to change, like a simpler UI and less of a reliance on lazy loading and other JS stuff that lags slower machines. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day. :slight_smile: