Sublime Forum

Sublime Folder relation?


When I installed Sublime text a while ago I created a custom folder called Sublime-Packages and in this folder there are folders named; Lisp, Java, PackageControl, Ruby, Graphviz etc etc. Can I find within Sublime what this custom folder is related too; if it’s related to anything ?



The name and contents would suggest that it’s a copy of various Sublime packages. As such you can determine where Sublime looks for packages by selecting Preferences > Browse Packages (Preferences is under Sublime Text if you’re on a Mac) from the menu.



Hi, you are correct it is a copy; how can I get sublime to read from a custom file path instead of the default file path ?



There’s no configuration option for that, the location is built into Sublime itself.

Possibly you could use a symbolic link (or under windows, a directory junction) to make the default package directory point to somewhere else, but I don’t know if Sublime would care about that.

Is there some reason you can’t just copy the packages into the default location and use them there?



When you mention that you don’t know if sublime would care about that; I could just copy to the default location but my concern is when upgrading sublime which thankfully isn’t ongoing that I loose all my configuration and package files, if that isn’t an issue then I will simply copy the packages to the default location ?



I don’t think the contents of that directory is touched by Sublime, since you can drop files there that override built in files and when the next version comes along the override will still be in place. PackageControl may upgrade packages that it installed but I don’t think it touches that location either.

Another way to look at it is that if Sublime was going to fiddle with the Package directory (including if you try what I mentioned above and link it to a different location) then it will still modify it even in another location.

If you’re really worried about it you could keep your changes in a backup zip file or a git repository (that’s what I do so I can track changes and share settings between systems) or something similar.



I understand, thanks for the tip. I’ll stay with the default :slightly_smiling: