Sublime Forum

Sublime Crash when futzing with search


I’ve had Sublime Crash when futzing with different search settings. I got confused when hitting shortcuts between Find Files, Find / Replace, regular Find and switched around using combinations of Command-F Command-Shift-F, Command-Opt-F. I also used the find during this. At some point, Sublime became unresponsive.

I got this to reproduce one more time.

The input file was a list of Brew cask packages that I wanted to format (brew cask ls):

acorn                      dash                       gqrx                       retroarch                  sublime-text
adobe-creative-cloud       docker                     hex-fiend                  scroll-reverser            superduper
alfred                     dropbox                    intellij-idea-ce           simplenote                 transmit
blender                    expo-xde                   iterm2                     sketch                     viscosity
caffeine                   filezilla                  nvalt                      skype                      vlc
chromium                   github                     openemu                    slack                      xquartz
coda                       google-backup-and-sync     qbittorrent                spotify                    yujitach-menumeters
context-free               google-chrome              resilio-sync               steam