Sublime Forum

Sublime Build System PATH does not include system path in linux


My custom build system PATH is incomplete:

[path: /usr/local/bin:$PATH]

This is my build system:

    "name": "BS",
    "cmd": ["$file"],
    "env": {
        "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

I believe the problem has been solved here, but it doesn’t work. $PATH should be expanded but isn’t.

I tried to escape the $ sign but it throws syntax error:

"PATH": "/usr/local/bin:\$PATH"

I am working on Linux.



What you’re doing looks like it’s correct, but note that per this issue the debug information that you see in build output such as above is captured before the environment gets expanded, so it looks like it’s not doing anything even though it might be.

That’s not to say that there might not be a problem, just that the output that you see there is misleading.



I tested again, the path is complete it just doesn’t show up in the debug information. Thanks!