Sublime Forum

Sublime auto complete issue


I have this annoying issue with autocomplete in PHP. When I use var_dump, it used to work pretty good as 'd type var and it would finish it for me. Now it gives me the first result in autocomplete like this


I am assuming I hit enter somewhere in there and it might have logged this in its autocomplete? Anyway, both the two first suggestions I would like to remove them

any ideas how I do that ?



That’s a *.sublime-snippet file with trigger var. It’s provided by a 3rd-party package.

Snippets are moved to first position, if their trigger perfectly matches a typed word by design.

Maybe change habbits by typing vd, if searching and removing owning package is not an option?



you could also try setting "auto_complete_include_snippets_when_typing": false, in your preferences to remove the first completion

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well I’m confused, its working now. I sear it was not working. I found that snippet and I was properly the one who created it years ago. Stupid me - thanks for pointing that out

I will investigate further if I see it not working again. when I did var it would just give me var, but its now working.



I am also facing the same.