In Sublime 3, I would usually group a bunch of tabs per project/window, and sometimes there would be one file opened in multiple windows that was either related or I forgot was open, which was perfectly fine since Sublime would always reload the files whenever I focused back into those tabs/instances, regardless of which I happened to navigate back to.
However, now I’ll have dozens of windows open over the course of days/weeks/months/…/millennia and I’ll go to open a file as I’m working through my current thought process, and it’ll just bring some random window to the top where I happened to already have it open, and I’ll lose my train of thought because I now have to navigate back to my window, I’ll lose where I was in the previous window (I’ll have to drag that tab out into a new window so I can return focus of that window back to the original tag), and I’ll also lose my window order (the last window is no longer the window I expect/want it to be, the last-last window is no longer the window I want it to be, etc…).
This is not ideal and I don’t see any relevant options to change this behavior.