Sublime Forum

Sublime 3.2.2 nothing works


I have had sublime a long time on my Ubuntu 18.04 computer. I use it to open huge files from time to time.
Today I wanted to try it out as a Python IDE and I am not very impressed.
I tried this How To:

The side bar installation seems chaotic and not to work.
Anaconda installation? Package manager seems unaware of this package.
After this I gave up. Even the forum registration is tricky. Gmail works, other emailadresses never receive the registration email (no, it is not in the spam folder).

So, any advice? And is it worth it? Seems a little bit buggy as an IDE?



Basically ST is a code editor and not a full fledged IDE. You might therefore miss frontend for debuggers.

I’ve never used Anaconda package and abandoned SublimeLinter, too, a while ago.

I am happy with LSP together with python-language-server to drive code intelligence and linting. Unfortunatelly there’s no convenience package for it right now, so you might need to create a virtualenv or install it in your global python environment via pip and enable it in LSP’s configuration.

Here’s my config with pyls in a virtualenv and some extra paths to support ST package development.

			"enabled": true,
			"command": ["C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\LSP\\pyls\\scripts\\pyls.exe"],
			"settings": {
				"pyls.env.VIRTUAL_ENV": "C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\LSP\\pyls",
				"pyls.plugins.jedi.extra_paths": [
					"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\lib\\python",
					"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\lib\\python38",
					"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\Data\\lib\\python38",
					"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\Data\\lib\\",
					"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\Data\\Packages"
				"pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.ignore": ["E501", "W503"]
	"show_diagnostics_in_view_status": false

Alternatively you might try LSP-pyright. I haven’t so far.

Terminus is used to run a terminal within ST and might be configured as target for ST’s built system, so scripts may be run via ctrl+b interactively.

SideBarEnhancements is not related with python develpment eighter. I personally prefer FileManager instead.



OK, got a few things to work now.