Basically ST is a code editor and not a full fledged IDE. You might therefore miss frontend for debuggers.
I’ve never used Anaconda package and abandoned SublimeLinter, too, a while ago.
I am happy with LSP together with python-language-server to drive code intelligence and linting. Unfortunatelly there’s no convenience package for it right now, so you might need to create a virtualenv or install it in your global python environment via pip and enable it in LSP’s configuration.
Here’s my config with pyls
in a virtualenv and some extra paths to support ST package development.
"enabled": true,
"command": ["C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\LSP\\pyls\\scripts\\pyls.exe"],
"settings": {
"pyls.env.VIRTUAL_ENV": "C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\LSP\\pyls",
"pyls.plugins.jedi.extra_paths": [
"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\lib\\python",
"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\lib\\python38",
"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\Data\\lib\\python38",
"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\Data\\lib\\",
"C:\\Apps\\Sublime Text\\Data\\Packages"
"pyls.plugins.pycodestyle.ignore": ["E501", "W503"]
"show_diagnostics_in_view_status": false
Alternatively you might try LSP-pyright. I haven’t so far.
Terminus is used to run a terminal within ST and might be configured as target for ST’s built system, so scripts may be run via ctrl+b
SideBarEnhancements is not related with python develpment eighter. I personally prefer FileManager instead.