Sublime Forum

Stino PlugIn (Arduino): How to add different Boards? (Arduino Due, Sam extension in my case)


first things first: I installed SubLime yesterday because I was totally tilted by the Arduino IDE.
SubLime is a blast. Totally love it so far!
I managed to install the Stino-Extension and the Arduino Uno works.
To use the Arduino Due in the original IDE do I need to install the “Sam software” via boardmanager.
Same for using the Due on Sublime via Stino. But there is no “board manager” from which I can download the software I need.

So how do I get the Due extension into Sublime?




Hi…Use board manager. Add the URLs to the board manager URLs in the settings. Then open board manager with tools -> board manager, select the desired board package (you want the one from MCUdude)
Install manually - extract into a folder in the hardware folder in your sketchbook folder (document folder\Arduino - you may need to create the hardware folder there. With some cores, you can sync their github repo into the hardware folder.