Sublime Forum

Sticky key letter Vim / Vintageous keyboard binding



I’ve just installed the vintageous plugin for ST3, and it works great except for one issue. When I scroll around in command mode using h, j, k or l and hold on to a letter without lifting my finger off the keyboard, it does not move further. I have to hit each key each time to move.

Also, if I hold on to the ‘l’ key to move right, I get attached screenshot.

I hope this makes sense – it is the best way I can describe it. I am using Mac 10.12.6 (Sierra), and ST3 (v.3, build 3143).

Any help or guidance is appreciated.

Vintageous/Vim screenshot in ST3



The character accent menu in OS X was the culprit.

To disable, in terminal, enter:
$ defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

To enable this option, in terminal, enter:
$ defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true

Credit to:

Hope this helps someone else who encounters this somewhat strange and frustrating issue.



@fusionmuck is correct, that should fix your issue. It’s a known issue:

Holding down a key like j does not repeat the command

This is a feature of OS X Lion and newer versions.

To make a key repeat a command when holding it down, run this once at the terminal:

defaults write com.sublimetext.3 ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false