Sublime Forum

ST4 notifies about new version even without restart


Not sure if this is new behavior but I think ST3 was showing the upgrade popup only on startup where ST4 shows it even without restart. I know there is an option to disable that but since I have payed for the license I do not expect popups out of nowhere. On startup it is fine, I’d like to know when a new version is out, but otherwise it’s a bit unwanted.



ST3 did this as well - useful for those of us which keep it open 24/7



I guess ST3 updates were never that frequent then, or I have updated quickly enough in the past. I’m definitely in that 24/7 boat and I restart my computer very rarely, once every 2 or so weeks. Personally I find that very intrusive, but since it’s there since ST3 I guess that’s normal …



are you using the dev buid? also if you have valid license, you can always disable updates.



Yes, I have a license, that was my main point plus the fact that the update popup feels intrusive. I guess I will disable that or just update Sublime. One of the bugs that I want fixed for example still waits on me to create a way to reproduce it so I will have to do that first before updating to have it fixed.