Sublime Forum

ST4 LSP auto completions garbled


I’m using the LSP package with ST4 with clangd-11 for a C codebase. When autocompleting with LSP, the autocomplete overwrites the query but garbles the final output. For example, a completion for my_structure_t gets garbled like strumy_structure_t or similar.

This does not seem to happen when LSP is disabled, suggesting some conflict with the ST4 default auto completes. I have tried to disable the default autocompletes from the main user settings file by setting auto_complete to false, but I still get auto-completion suggestions after both LSP and the default completions are disabled, from ST4, suggesting that the ST4 default auto-completion is not respecting the auto_complete flag being set to false.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Does setting auto_complete to false in ST4 actually disable auto-completion completely?