ThemeScheduler is a plugin I wrote a while ago. It changes your themes based on the time of day (this isn’t the first to do this, but it does have some other useful features, like what it can do when ThemeTweaker is installed). It has the added features of popping up user defined messages at time changes (if defined). If you have ThemeTweaker installed, you can have it define filters to apply to your themes at certain times as well. Maybe darken your background as the hours get later. Colorize your entire theme red when you need to go home, or whatever you desire.
Example for changing themes:
[pre=#141414] “themes”:
"theme": "Packages/User/Color Scheme/sometheme.tmTheme",
"time": "21:30"
"theme": "Packages/User/Color Scheme/someothertheme.tmTheme",
"time": "8:30"
Example for using filters (see ThemeTweaker filter documentation)]( … er-command):
[pre=#141414] “themes”:
"theme": "Packages/User/Color Scheme/Tomorrow-Night-Eighties.tmTheme",
"filters": "brightness(.98)@bg",
"time": "10:00"
"theme": "Packages/User/Color Scheme/Tomorrow-Night-Eighties.tmTheme",
"filters": "brightness(.97)@bg",
"time": "11:00"
Example for displaying messages at theme change:
[pre=#141414] “themes”:
// Lunch
"theme": "Packages/User/Color Scheme/Tomorrow-Night-Eighties.tmTheme",
"filters": "brightness(.96)@bg;glow(.1)",
"time": "12:00",
"msg": "Lunch time!"
Anyways the repo and info is here: