Sublime Forum

(ST3) TabsExtra



  • Added option to always focus the last active tab when active tab is closed.
  • Also, using the tab close button should now behave properly (they are now detected and the focusing is applied properly after)

This should be ready for prime time now. I will look into adding it to Package Control sometime soon.



Now on Package Control




  • Clone, Delete, Rename options have been added (technically clone always existed, but I accidentally had it crippled)
  • Added Sort (loosely based on bizooā€™s SortTabs - yes I got permissions). The builtin sort options take advantage of TabsExtra more accurate tab activation tracking (it can catch when tabs move to other groups etc. without accidentally activating adjacent tabs). Plus it adds a couple more sort options.

As always, everything is configurable and optional, so look in the settings file and configure what you want to see and what you donā€™t.



subscribe (sorry :smile:)



TabsExtra should now handle tab index properly when image previews tabs are open. TabsExtra used to get confused because image previews donā€™t appear in the view list returned from a window object. This would cause the wrong tab to get closed etc. TabsExtra should no longer get confused because it now uses the undocumented sheets API to get all sheets and uses those as indexes since image previews show up as sheets.

You will not be able apply a number of the TabsExtra commands to image previews because image previews are not really views, but you will at least be able to close them with the TabsExtra close commands.

I did also rename the close commands (they were too generic in name), so update your menus!

There were a lot of changes, and I did try to test them well, but let me know if you get some unexpected behaviors (after youā€™ve updated your menus of course).



Iā€™m not sure about this:

[quote]1. If using the override menu, select ā€œPreferences->Package Settings->TabsExtra->Install/Upgrade Default Override Menuā€ from Sublimeā€™s menu.

  1. If using the default menu, select ā€œPreferences->Package Settings->TabsExtra->Install/Upgrade TabsExtra Menuā€ from the menu" from Sublimeā€™s menu.[/quote]

How do i know which one iā€™m using? :smile:



The Default Override puts all the close options together since I overwrite the the original tab context menu. The other option just appends them at the bottom leaving them separated. I mention it in the readme ā€¦ nu-options.

So if your close options are NOT all grouped together, you are NOT using the Default Override menu.



If you are using Sublime build 3068 or greater, TabsExtra now works much better. Before there were a number of focus issues that were side effects of configurable tab focus on close. 3068 introduced some improved aspects of the API so that weird tab focus behaviors have hopefully all been eliminated.

If I missed some tab focus corner case bug, please do let me know (but it needs to be something that I currently support; no I donā€™t currently support custom tab opening positions; if I add them, I will let you know :wink:).



My apologies if it is the wrong spot to ask for support. I figured this was the best spot to get help from facelessuser and those that enjoy this plugin.

I find this plugin does a much nicer job for the task Close All Tabs than the function built-in to ST3. Specifically, if I have a pane open, TabsExtraā€™s function will close only the tabs within the pane I am working and leave the others untouched.

I want to map Close All Tabs to a short-cut key but canā€™t get it to work. From Tab Context.sublime-menu I copied:

"command": "tabs_extra_close", "args": { "group": -1, "index": -1, "close_type": "all" }

and pasted it in Default (Linux).sublime-keymap like this:

{ "keys": ["alt+f12"], "command": "tabs_extra_close", "args": { "group": -1, "index": -1, "close_type": "all" } },

This is a method I have used for keymapping other functions from plugins and I think it should work.

I am certain there are no keyboard conflicts. I was already using that keyboard combination for the previous Close All Tabs short-cut.

Is there a way to have this function mapped to a keystroke?



This is a command that gets launched from a tab. Sublime sends the command automatically with a valid group and index. You would need to write a wrapper that sends a valid group and index. Maybe the wrapper would grab the active view and use its group and index.