Sublime Forum

ST3: RegReplace


RegReplace ST3 support is here

Eventually I am going to overhaul this plugin, but until then, it should work the way it as always worked.




New version of RegReplace 3.0.0. There are some format changes that have been made to the rules, so you will need to run a command to update your existing rules to the new format.

Please read for more details:

Biggest change:
I have never been a fan of editing complex regex in a JSON file. And since we are using Python’s re to do all the search and replaces, I figured why not edit the rules in Python?

edit panel

Now you can open an edit panel and edit all your settings in a Python syntax highlighted window! Format your regex all pretty like and add comments; they will all be preserved.

Configure a test sequence command and run it directly from the edit panel as well. Easier editing and testing.

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