Sublime Forum

ST3 selects entire paragraph with single click!



In my installation of ST3, just single clicking anywhere and performing Ctrl+C copies the entire corresponding paragraph. Double-click is not doing what its supposed to, which is selecting only the word. Moreover, the single-click, double-click or even triple-click does not highlight anything. Is there any fix for this?

I have tried searching for similar solutions online on this forum and generally by googling but I cannot find anyone who has faced a similar situation with sublime text. I have also tried toggling drag_text option in settings to no avail. I have tried resetting the program and even reinstalling both 32-bit and 64-bit versions but it does not seem to fix it.

Below I have attached a console log immediately after starting ST3 to show which plugins are loaded (this is the resetted version with no additional packages yet).

DPI mode: per-monitor v2
startup, version: 3176 windows x64 channel: stable
executable: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe
working dir: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3
packages path: /%APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages
state path: /%APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Local
zip path: /C/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/Packages
zip path: /%APPDATA%/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Installed Packages
ignored_packages: []
pre session restore time: 0.225055
startup time: 0.405056
first paint time: 0.427055
reloading plugin Default.arithmetic
reloading plugin Default.auto_indent_tag
reloading plugin Default.block
reloading plugin Default.colors
reloading plugin Default.comment
reloading plugin Default.convert_color_scheme
reloading plugin Default.convert_syntax
reloading plugin Default.copy_path
reloading plugin Default.delete_word
reloading plugin Default.detect_indentation
reloading plugin Default.duplicate_line
reloading plugin Default.echo
reloading plugin Default.exec
reloading plugin Default.fold
reloading plugin Default.font
reloading plugin Default.goto_line
reloading plugin Default.history_list
reloading plugin Default.indentation
reloading plugin Default.install_package_control
reloading plugin Default.kill_ring
reloading plugin Default.mark
reloading plugin Default.new_templates
reloading plugin Default.open_context_url
reloading plugin Default.open_in_browser
reloading plugin Default.pane
reloading plugin Default.paragraph
reloading plugin Default.paste_from_history
reloading plugin Default.profile
reloading plugin Default.quick_panel
reloading plugin Default.rename
reloading plugin Default.run_syntax_tests
reloading plugin Default.save_on_focus_lost
reloading plugin Default.scroll
reloading plugin Default.set_unsaved_view_name
reloading plugin Default.settings
reloading plugin Default.show_scope_name
reloading plugin Default.side_bar
reloading plugin Default.sort
reloading plugin Default.swap_line
reloading plugin Default.switch_file
reloading plugin Default.symbol
reloading plugin Default.transform
reloading plugin Default.transpose
reloading plugin Default.trim_trailing_white_space
reloading plugin Default.ui
reloading plugin CSS.css_completions
reloading plugin Diff.diff
reloading plugin HTML.encode_html_entities
reloading plugin HTML.html_completions
reloading plugin ShellScript.ShellScript
reloading plugin Vintage.vintage
reloading plugin Vintage.vintage_commands
reloading plugin Vintage.vintage_motions
reloading plugin 0_package_control_loader.00-package_control
reloading plugin Package Control.1_reloader
reloading plugin Package Control.2_bootstrap
reloading plugin Package Control.Package Control
plugins loaded
Package Control: S

I also tried setting ST3 to debug mode in the console using the instructions from here: link and output what happens when I do a simple click. It causes a drag_select as follows which I am not sure is what its supposed to do.
command: drag_select {"event": {"button": 1, "x": 398.5, "y": 136.5}}

Edit 1: It seems single clicking anywhere and performing Ctrl+C copying the entire corresponding paragraph is not a bug but rather a feature :slight_smile: corresponding to this setting “copy_with_empty_selection”: true as pointed out by addons_zz. This reduces the problem to a case of double or triple-clicking not making any selection. How to fix this?



This behavior I think is very useful and it is controlled by the setting copy_with_empty_selection

    // If true, the copy and cut commands will operate on the current line
    // when the selection is empty, rather than doing nothing.
    "copy_with_empty_selection": true,

If you do not like it, set "copy_with_empty_selection": false,

1 Like



Thanks for the feedback. I did not know this was a setting within Sublime. But even after setting to false, only the first “apparently” buggy behavior is solved. ST3 still does not double-click or triple-click for me. Do you know how to fix this?



The correct behavior here is like this:

Check if you have defined some setting file for mouse configuration:



This is not the behavior I am getting. Double-clicking to select a word and triple-clicking to select a line does not work as expected. I have not set any special mouse configuration files because I am testing it on a resetted version of ST3 after deleting the %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3 folder, so I expect it to work out of the box.

I followed the instructions to install the PackageResourceViewer and then open the Default (Windows).sublime-mousemap file. Everything seems correctly defined within the file.

So I tried modifying the basic drag select command as follows for debugging:
// Basic drag select
“button”: “button1”, “count”: 1,
“press_command”: “drag_select”

// Basic drag select
“button”: “button1”, “count”: 1,
“press_command”: “drag_select”,
“press_args”: {“by”: “words”}

It seems to click and highlight the word correctly at least on one click which tells me Sublime is unable to register the double click and triple click commands in the first place.



May be some other application on your computer is somehow stealing the double and triple clicks behavior before Sublime Text can intercept them.



Hey addons_zz,

This solved my problem!

I have a Samsung monitor which comes with a program called Easy Setting Box. This program was responsible for capturing the multi-click events even though it technically shouldn’t. Shutting down the program fixed the problem so thank you for the assist :slight_smile::+1:.