Sublime Text 2 plugin for running ruby tests! (Unit, RSpec, Cucumber)
ST2: Running ruby unit tests
Error loading colour scheme Packages/RubyTest/TestConsole.tmTheme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file In file “Packages/RubyTest/TestConsole.tmTheme”
any solution?
I’d be interested in colorizing the output as well. I have an RSpec plugin, and would be happy to update it. I need to learn the tmTheme stuff and how to use it for this purpose.
You basically have to match a .tmLanguage file with a .tmTheme file. More info/example here:
I am very psyched to use this plugin, but I cannot get it work with my Rails app and bundler. I need to get it to do what “rake spec” does, namely
ruby -S bundle exec rspec FILE1 FILE2 ...
I copied RubyTest.sublime-settings to my Packages/User folder and changed ruby_rspec_exec to be:
"ruby_rspec_exec": "ruby -S bundle exec rspec",
But it still was not running my tests in the bundled context. Any ideas how to get this working?